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Divi Supreme Pro (and the associated required “Supreme Modules Lite“) is a Divi feature expander pack installed on LEANWI Divi websites. It has been purchased and licensed to your website through LEANWI.
This single plugin offers more than 60 additional Divi modules plus several extensions that add function to websites – but you likely will only use a small selection of the features on your website.
This tutorial will cover a few of the more useful tools, but we advise you to carefully select which features you use. Some of them, while flashy and fun, are not good for accessibility or general design. This is an overview tutorial with including some selected example features. Watch for future detailed tutorials on specific extensions or modules.
Topics in this tutorial:
- Divi Supreme Pro overview
- Activating Divi Supreme Pro
- What if it asks for a license?
- Divi Supreme Pro Extensions
- Divi Supreme Pro Modules [those in italics have live examples in the wild]
- Advanced Tabs
- Breadcrumbs
- Before/After Image Slider
- Blog Carousel
- Business Hours
- Content Timeline
- Icon List
- Image Carousel
- Progress Bar
Divi Supreme Pro Plugin Overview
- Do I have Divi Supreme Pro on my library website?
The Divi Supreme Pro plugin has been installed on all IFLS, NWLS, and WVLS Divi websites and is being rolled out across WRLS as updates/rebuilds are happening. If the plugin is installed, you will see a “Divi Supreme Po” link in the black menu bar on the left side of the WordPress dashboard:
- What if it tells me I need to enter a license key?
In some cases, it seems the license key has not been “sticking” on some websites. If you see this, please send a ticket to websitehelp@librarieswin.org so we can re-enter the license key.
- Divi Supreme Pro dashboard menu
When you open the Divi Supreme Pro dashboard, you will see tabs for “General Settings,” “Module Settings,” “Easy Theme Builder,” “Social Media Settings,” and “Misc.”We will not use Easy Theme Builder or Social Meida.
In the following sections we will go through the settings for Divi Supreme Extensions and Modules.
Divi Supreme Pro Extensions
The first menu you’ll encounter in Divi Supreme Pro settings is the Divi Supreme Extensions. Here you can turn features on and off. At this time we will use the following, and focus on training on the ones in bold:
- Scheduled Element
- Popup
- Readmore Content
- Custom Attributes
Divi Supreme Pro Extensions - Scheduled Element
The Scheduled Element extension adds the ability to schedule a section, row, column, or module to appear/disappear from public view on your website, similar to how the “Schedule Post” and “PublishPress Future” plugin allow you to schedule WordPress posts on your website.
This can be an extremely useful function and potentially an alternative to using the WP Front Notification Bar if done well.
How it works:
When this feature is toggled on, this adds a new option, “Use Scheduled Element,” to the Visibility menu item in the “Advanced” tab of any Divi Section, Row, or Module.
When toggled to Yes, this activates a series of options to change visibility of a section, row, column, or module based on date/time, business hours, or user type.
You can read Scheduled Element Extension documentation here.
Click here for training documentation specific to LEANWI Divi websites.
Divi Supreme Pro Extensions - Popup
The Popup extension gives you the ability to add a pop-up alert on your website.
I would advise libraries use this feature with extreme caution. We all know how annoying popups can be when overused. But it can be a useful feature, possibly again as an alternative to the WP Front Notification Bar, or for short-term important notices. But don’t be evil.
How it works:
When this feature is toggled on, this adds a new option, “Popup,” to the Visibility menu item in a Divi or Divi Supreme Pro module.
When toggled to Yes, this activates a series of options to create a customized popup on your website.
Dedicated training materials will be posted separately. You can read Popup Extension documentation here.
Divi Supreme Pro Extensions - Readmore Content
Hate scrolling through endless text, but have things you need to have said on your website?
The Readmore Content extension gives you the ability to collapse long text blocks in Text Modules, Blurb Modules, Call-to-action Modules, and Blog modules on you Divi page so those users who don’t need to read the information don’t need to scroll endlessly to get past it.
How it works:
When toggled to Yes, this activates the “Use Read More” option in these specific Divi modules:
- Text Module [shown above]
- Blurb Module
- Call-to-action Module
- Blog Module
Dedicated training materials will be posted separately. You can read Readmore Content Extension documentation here.
Divi Supreme Pro Extensions - Enable Custom Attributes
Native Divi is still missing a variety of basic features necessary for improving website accessibility. The Enable Custom Attributes extension allows us to add a few more of these tags without requiring us to write custom CSS code for every feature.
How it works:
When toggled to Yes, this activates the “Custom Attributes” menu in sections, rows, columns, or modules, which then can be turned on by toggling “Use Custom Attributes.”
Dedicated training materials will be posted separately. You can read Divi Custom Attributes extension documentation here.
Divi Supreme Pro Modules
The Divi Supreme Pro plugin comes with 60 new Divi modules. However, as with many things, more isn’t always better. Be cautioned that while some modules are very useful, many are highly graphic and just for show. These would likely cause accessibility issues.
The modules listed below are ones we don’t believe cause accessibility issues. [This list will change as we learn more about the modules and determine their accessibility score.]
We will cover these in more detail in additional documentation/trainings. Each module is linked to Divi Supreme documentation, but the documentation does not show examples of the module in use – see below for examples.
- Advanced Tabs
- Before/After Image Slider
- Blog Carousel
- Business Hours
- Content Timeline
- Icon List
- Image Carousel
- Progress Bar
Documentation for all modules is also linked next to the module in the Modules Settings tab in the Divi Supreme Pro WordPress menu.
Divi Supreme Pro Modules in action in the wild
Here are some examples of the Supreme Pro Modules in action out on other websites. Note that they can me customized in other ways, so what you see here is not the only option.
Advanced Tabs
- Example site: WVLS BOT Agenda & Materials Archive
- Quick Tip Training: Divi Supreme Module – Breadcrumbs
Business Hours
Content Timeline
Icon List
Progress Bar